Monday, March 10, 2014


The most simple tasks, the most mundane tasks, are the ones that I love.
Making Holly's Caramel Macchiato is one of the many highlights of my day.  
Steaming milk has always frightened me, but as of lately its been oddly therapeutic, 
I hear her mumble something about cofffee and off I go
Step one: turn the machine on
step two: get the same dark blue mug
step three: tamp the grounds into the head
step four: find my phone and open the stopwatch
(I have found that with my little espresso machine 21 seconds exactly is the perfect shot)
step five: grab the milk and push the steam button on the machine
step six: pour the milk into the metal cup
step seven: turn on the steam wand and wait for it to stop pushing water
step eight: place wand into milk at a diagonal angle
step nine: create foam with a bobbing motion and wait for the metal to feel like it is going to burn my hand off
step ten: pour vanilla syrup and caramel sauce into bottom of blue mug
step eleven: screw head onto espresso machine
step twelve: hit hot water button on espresso machine
Step thirteen: grab a half glass and place it under the head
step fourteen: turn switch and start stopwatch sanctimoniously and wait exactly 21 seconds
Step fifteen: pour espresso into the dark blue mug
Step sixteen: pour milk into the dark blue mug
Step seventeen: spoon foam onto the coffee-milky mixture
Step eighteen: drizzle caramel sauce onto the foamy top
Step nineteen: hand Holly her coffee
Step twenty: watch a smile develop over my best friends face as she takes her first sip of coffee

Twenty steps I take and it always feels like one fluid motion. I take pride in the art of coffee making. It's tranquil, like yoga for my soul, or something like that. 

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